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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


20th Sep 2024
This week we have been busy solving tricky word problems using our addition and...
20th Sep 2024
We celebrated Roald Dalh Day last Friday in school by completing lots of different...
20th Sep 2024
Everyone has settled in really well to life in P6/7 and the pupils have enjoyed...
20th Sep 2024
♻️ Congratulations to our newly elected eco committee members for this school...
20th Sep 2024
Well done to all our winners for excellent Numeracy.
15th Sep 2024
We have had two busy weeks in school and have all settled very well into P4/5. We...
13th Sep 2024
Well done to Frankie who brought all his golf awards that he won over the summer...
13th Sep 2024
Well done to all our winners for excellent Literacy this week.
8th Sep 2024
We worked really hard this week in what was our first full week back in school....
8th Sep 2024
Our 1st Pupil of the Week winners for this academic year. Well done for settling...