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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

News - Corridor Cup

2022/2023 School Year

23rd Jun 2023
Well done to Minnie who always walks around the school with a huge smile on her...
9th Jun 2023
Well done to Evie who always uses good manners, walks quietly and lined up superbly...
2nd Jun 2023
Well done Oliver (P4)! Oliver always knocks on the door before entering a classroom...
19th May 2023
Well done Rhys (P5) who won the Corridor Cup this week for walking quietly and showing...
12th May 2023
Corridor Cup winner is Victoria (P5). Victoria always sets a great example to other...
8th May 2023
Corridor Cup goes to Hanna (P6) who always remembers excellent manners in the corridors,...
1st May 2023
Well done Will (P6) for winning the Corridor Cup. Will displayed excellent corridor...
21st Apr 2023
Well done to Tara (P2) who was walking super quietly in the corridors this week. 
4th Apr 2023
Well done Cameron who won our Corridor Cup. Cameron always walks around school quietly,...
24th Mar 2023
Corridor Cup goes to Faith and Jessica for sitting super quietly in the mornings...